The 2020 Census is still happening. Have you completed yours?
Filling out the census is an important civic responsibility and a great way to support our community. That’s why United Way of Champaign County is participating in a national initiative called United We Count, United We Vote, a non-partisan effort to increase participation in the census and voting.
Participating in the census is in everyone's best interest because it helps community leaders and elected officials plan for school class sizes, health facilities, public transit, and the placement of grocery stores. This is about more than getting an accurate count of people in a certain area, it’s about how political power and federal funding is shared!
Ready to get started?
In mid-March, the U.S. Census Bureau mailed detailed information on how to respond. For the first time ever you can complete the census online. You will need the 12-digit identification number sent to you by the U.S. Census Bureau to get started.
Thank you again for being part of United We Count and for completing the census so your community can get what it needs.
Take the Census Online