Community Essentials

Person pushing a full shopping cart

Food. Utilities. Shelter. Safety. Healthcare. Clothing. Identification. Access to technology.

These are the critical things people need to thrive in our world today. With many of our community's households struggling to make ends meet, our community must have a strong safety net. Together we can prevent crisis, provide stability, and support those navigating a complex social service system.



Every person in our community deserves the opportunity to thrive.

To get there, we must strengthen the safety net of services that support and lift up our neighbors. At various times in our life, every single one of us has needed the support of others.

United Way has always helped the most vulnerable people meet their basic needs and improve their health, education, and financial stability. However, the COVID-19 pandemic illuminated that there was limited capacity and high demand for services that deliver these crucial necessities.

Our Community Essentials work helps people meet their physical needs - food, water, shelter, healthcare - as well as providing assistance navigating the often complex human service systems. It also recognizes that access to technology is not a luxury, it's a necessity to apply for a job, pay bills, connect with healthcare and education, and so much more.

We recognize that many of our neighbors who are ALICE families, low-wage workers, people of color, LGBTQA+ individuals, and those with disabilities need increased access to services. Our grants support programs that are working to increase access to services and actively practice nondiscrimination.

We have programs and partners who are making this possible and we need your support to make sure even more people get the help they need. 

Community Concern

United Way asked community members to rank the top needs or issues facing our community. Basic Needs (Ability to pay for food, clothing and necessities) was ranked as the second-highest community concern, and access to affordable healthcare ranked fifth. For people of color, Basic Needs and Access to Affordable Healthcare were tied for the top community concern. 

Financial Insecurity

Champaign County has a high rate of financial insecurity. In total, 44% of our neighbors struggle to afford basic household essentials. This includes two groups:

  • 27% of Champaign County households are ALICE - Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. They earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford basic household essentials or save for the future. They are walking a financial tightrope - one missed paycheck away from a financial crisis.
  • 17% of our households earn less than the Federal Poverty Level.

Median Household and Family Income

  United States Illinois Champaign County
Median Household Income $74,580 $78,433 $61,090


Learn more about ALICE

Food Insecurity

Financial insecurity leads to difficult choices - can we pay rent or buy food? Food insecurity rate for Champaign County is 12.7% (Source

Local services are critical, as they support families who may struggle but do not qualify for SNAP. Local programs can also provide food that meets people's nutritional and cultural needs. Continued support of local food services is critical to keep lowering this datapoint.

Housing and Homelessness

In the long-term, financial insecurity can lead to housing instability. In the past 12 months (February 1, 2023 to February 1, 2024) 39.3%% of all calls to Champaign County's 211 Help Center were for housing and shelter. An additional 19.2% reached out for help with utility bills. 

In the past 12 months, our 211 Help Center made 825 referrals to local homeless shelters.



Every person deserves to live in a safe community, but the safety data for Champaign County is highly troubling. In 2018, Champaign County had a rate of 453.85 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. This is higher than the state rate of 395.75. (Source) There were 341 confirmed shooting incidents in 2021. (Source) And 510 area children are currently in substitute care after experiencing abuse or neglect.

Health and Healthcare

Sexually transmitted infections, food insecurity, and adult smoking are all higher in Champaign County than the state of Illinois overall.

According to the 2019 County Health Rankings, the obesity rate in Champaign County is up to 31% from 26% in 2015. Our community's rate of access to exercise opportunities is lower than the state of Illinois, meaning fewer of our residents have reasonable access to recreation.

From the Champaign County Community Health Plan: "Behavioral health issues continue to be an issue across the county. Lack of resources, funding, and stigma contribute to the issue in Champaign County. According to County Health Rankings the ratio of mental health providers per 100,000 has improved drastically over the past six years, moving from 2055:1 in 2010 to 444:1 in 2019. According to the CDC, National Vital Statistics System, the Champaign County suicide rate in 2018 was 12.9 per 100,000 which is higher than the state of Illinois rate of 10.8 but lower than the national rate of 13.4. According to the death certificate data compiled by Vital Records at Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, there were 262 drug-related deaths for the five-year period 2015-2019. Of these deaths, 198 were residents of Champaign County. Opiates were the leading cause of drug-related deaths in Champaign County." (Source)

Access to Technology

Our community played a critical role in the creation of the internet and the first web browser - and 98.9% of Champaign County's urban residents can get fixed high speed internet service in their home. Unfortunately, not all families can afford that service.

Outside our major cities, only 52.5% of rural residents can access fixed high speed internet at home - lower than the state's average. This means many of our rural residents rely on mobile devices for internet access.

United Way's ALICE report states that the average family needs to budget $75 per month to access the internet. (Source) This is only for access and does not include the cost to purchase devices.

With job applications, banking, school and other critical resources increasingly moving online, it is important that everyone, regardless of where they live, has access to technology. (Source)

Navigating Complex Systems

The human service sector can be challenging to navigate, especially for those in crisis. United Way 211 answered 5,521 calls for assistance in 2023, providing guidance and answers. (Source)

Champaign County is home to an estimated 25,000 immigrants. Providing translation and guided assistance is crucial for people to be welcomed into our community and access the services they need.

Working together to help people meet their needs

United Way is committed to providing long-term support for Community Essentials. In 2023, United Way awarded $647,370 in grants to local programs to provide essential support across the community. Each grant program is working towards one of the following Goals:

  • Help people meet their physical needs
  • Assist people with accessing and navigating complex human service systems

Our Strategy

The framework for Community Essentials ensures we can support our most vulnerable neighbors experiencing the hardest of times through an efficient and effective safety net of services with minimal to no barriers.

Special Projects in Community Essentials

211 - Get Connected, Get Help

Bottom Line Diaper Bank

Emergency Shelter for Families

Farmers Feeding Families

FY24 Grant Partnerships

211 - Get Connected, Get Help

The most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services. Real people answer the phone and connect callers to expert, caring help 24/7/365. Also offered via text.

A program of PATH Crisis


Champaign County Food Access Hub

Provides a match to the WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program checks and NeighborFood Bucks to those who do not qualify for nutrition assistance benefits programs through government or are underserved by those programs.

A program of The Land Connection 


Champaign County Food Fund

A reserve of local dollars that can be used to place nutritious emergency food into the hands of people in need. Through the Champaign County Food Fund, participating member agencies receive a discount toward shared maintenance fees or the purchase price of product ordered from the Foodbank. 

A program of Eastern Illinois Foodbank


Child Advocacy Program

Trained volunteers work collaboratively with all individuals and agencies involved in a child's case to ensure that the child's best interest is being met during the time they are in the court system.

A program of Champaign County CASA


Community Living

Provides residential supports to individuals with developmental disabilities who would otherwise be unable to maintain their independence in the community. 

A program of Developmental Services Center


Emergency Financial Assistance for People Living with HIV/AIDS 

Provides assistance for housing, utility assistance, nutrition assistance, transportation, emergency/rapid housing, infant needs (Perinatal HIV clients), medical expenses that are not covered under other programs, and more.

A program of Greater Community AIDS Project of East Central Illinois


Emergency Shelter for Families

Provides homeless families with children a short-term private space to be sheltered together as an intact family and follow-up case management.

A program of Champaign County Regional Planning Commission


Enhanced Dentistry Services for Low-income, Uninsured Residents

Provides high-quality, affordable enhanced dentistry services, including dentures and root canals, to residents of our community.

A program of Promise Healthcare


Legal Help with Champaign County Public Benefits

Free legal assistance to low-income and vulnerable individuals in Champaign County who are seeking benefits or who have lost or are at risk of losing their benefits. 

A program of Land of Lincoln Legal Aid


Resource Center

Connects residents of northern Champaign County with basic needs services and other social, physical and mental health services provided by C-U based agencies/programs.  

A program Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County


Shelter Program

Shelter Program at C-U at Home is a mid-barrier shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. 

A program of C-U at Home


Staffing Support for Community Essentials

Supports local immigrants with wraparound family strengthening services and programs, with a focus on securing housing and accessing language and mental health resources.

A program of YMCA of the University of Illinois


Support for Immigrant Families

Provides immigrant clients with access to public benefits resources, including assistance with applications, counseling, and case management. 

A program of The Refugee Center


Survivor Services Case Management

Assists clients who are receiving services to meet their increasingly complex needs (housing, food insecurity, long-term medical needs, employment, etc.)

A program of RACES - Rape Advocacy, Counseling, and Education Services



WIN  Resiliency Resource Center

Provides essential items for 'Triage Care' for participants who exit incarceration, and other community members with critical needs through the Safe Home Network.

A program of WIN Recovery


Important Details

Grant Application Opens:        March 3, 2025

Grant Application Closes:       March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm

Program Interviews:                April 7-21 2025

Notification of Award:              May 23, 2025

Grant Award Range:               $10,000 - $50,000 per program

Community Essentials 


Community Essentials funding from United Way of Champaign County targets services that are designed to meet physical needs (such as food and utilities, safety, shelter, and healthcare) as well as help navigating and accessing complex human service systems (identification and documentation, technology, and resource navigation).


The framework for Community Essentials ensures we can support our most vulnerable neighbors experiencing the hardest of times through an efficient and effective safety net of services with minimal to no barriers.

Eligibility Requirements

Grant activities must align with United Way of Champaign County's Community Essentials Definition.

Grant recipients must measure at least one output from UWCC's list of metrics.

The applying organization must meet United Way of Champaign County's grant eligibility requirements

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Grant Report FY 2023

Grant Report FY 2022