To make a referral or for more information about the Emergency Shelter please call 2-1-1.
We need your help! Join the effort to help families become financially stable: make a gift to United Way's Income building block.
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The goal of the Emergency Shelter for Families at Maple Grove is to provide short-term, emergency shelter for families with children for up to 30 days. During their time in the shelter, families will work directly with an onsite case manager to find safe, permanent housing and get on a path to self-sufficiency. Working with a case manager is a condition of housing. Champaign County Regional Planning Commission is providing case management.
The shelter is unique in the community because family members of all ages and sexes will be able to stay under one roof. It eliminates a need for families to split up to receive shelter. It is also unique because it is a temporary emergency shelter, not a transitional shelter. Families will be referred to the program by nonprofits in the community. No self-referrals will be accepted.
The building has undergone a significant renovation, led by Housing Authority of Champaign County. This project would not be possible without them.
United Way of Champaign County has committed to fully funding the program for at least three years - $50,000 in year 1 and $65,000 in year 2 and 3. We need your help! Join the effort to help families become financially stable: make a gift to United Way's Income building block.
The Emergency Shelter for Families is a collaboration between