211 is an easy-to-remember, non-emergency telephone number provided by United Way that connects people with the help they need. 211 saves time and frustration through highly-trained specialists who match people to the right agency based on their individual needs. And now, 211 is available via text at 898 211.
The 24-hour, 365 days a year helpline makes it easy to navigate the maze of human service providers and helplines. All calls and texts are anonymous and confidential.
When you call or text 211, a real person will answer the phone. They can help you find local help for many things, including:
- Food and shelter
- Counseling and mental health services
- Income and employment support
- Help for the elderly and people with disabilities
- Resources for children and families
- Domestic Abuse
- Veterans
- Re-entry
- Human Trafficking
- Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation
- Disaster Recovery
Free, confidential help is just a call, click or text away.
Dial 211 from any telephone.
Text your ZIP Code to 898 211
Browse the online directory at FindHelp211.org
Phone doesn’t connect to 211? Please use the toll-free number: 1-888-865-9903.
If calling from an office phone, be sure to press the appropriate button to connect to an outside line.