The third quarter (Q3) 2019 report for 2-1-1 is now available for download. 2-1-1's call center, PATH, provides United Way with anonymous quarterly reports detailing the reasons callers reach out to 2-1-1. These reports contain valuable information on our community's pressing issues.
2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember, non-emergency telephone number provided by United Way that connects people with the help they need. 2-1-1 saves time and frustration through highly-trained specialists who match people to the right agency based on your individual needs.
The 24-hour, 365 days a year line makes it easy to navigate the maze of human service providers and helplines. All calls are free, anonymous and confidential.
When you call 2-1-1, a real person will answer the phone. Learn more about 2-1-1.
Report Summary
For Q3 2019, 2-1-1 received 788 outreaches from Champaign County residents.
The top five reasons callers dialed 2-1-1 were:
- Rent Assistance (209 calls)
- Homeless shelter/services (162 calls)
- Utility Assistance (130 calls)
- Food Pantry/Food Services (83 calls)
- Low Income Subsidized Rentals/Housing Needs (55 calls)
2-1-1 endeavors to answer calls within 90 seconds. In Q3 2019, PATH answered 72% of all calls within 90 seconds. The average wait time for a caller was 56 seconds.
Housing is the most common reason people call 2-1-1. In Q3 2019, 48% of all calls were related to housing needs.
80% of callers were able to be connected with the services they needed.
Unmet Needs
While a majority (80%) of 2-1-1 callers found help this quarter, sometimes programs do not have enough funding to help, or service simply isn't available here in Champaign County.
2-1-1 provides United Way with a comprehensive unmet needs analysis. United Way is using the Unmet Needs report to track the most pressing needs and work with local partners and lawmakers to close the gap in available services and improve the 2-1-1 database.
Because of the significant, recurring unmet need for rent and utility assistance, in fall 2017 United Way added Number of people who received Rent or Utility assistance as a program output metric underneath our Financial Stability building block.
Additionally, United Way has responded to the unmet need for homeless shelter. We are pleased to announce a partnership between Austin's Place and C-U at Home will provide year-round shelter in 2020. Read more in our latest blog.
Finally, another common reason people do not find help is that 2-1-1 may not be notified when services are added or changed. Any referral service is only as good as its database of information. The responsibility lies on both 2-1-1 and local programs to make sure all services are listed accurately, so everyone in our community can find the help they need. Anyone can submit information to 2-1-1's database at any time - just dial 2-1-1, or submit information on their website.
For Q3 2019, the top three unmet needs in Champaign county were:
- Utility Assistance
- Rent Assistance
- Homeless Shelter
Why Need was Unmet
2-1-1 provides the reason why a caller was unable to get help. Here are detailed reasons for the top three unmet needs. Please contact United Way if you would like to explore this data further.
Utility Assistance (49 callers' needs unmet)
19 - Does not meet eligibility guidelines for program
17- Service is out of funding
11 - Service is unavailable
1 - Income not sufficient to stabilize household
1 - Service referral is refused
Rent Assistance (29 callers' needs unmet)
9 - Does not meet eligibility guidelines for program
9 - Service is out of funds
6 - Service is unavailable because of eligibility waiting period
2 - Income not sufficient to stabilize household
2 - Service referral is refused
1 - Housing unavailable due to waiting lists
Homeless Shelter (19 callers' needs unmet)
5 - Service Unavailable
4 - Service hours are inappropriate/inconvenient
3 - Does not meet eligibility guidelines for program
3 - Service referral is refused
2 - Housing unavailable due to waiting lists
1 - Emergency Shelter(s) full
1 - Service unavailable because of eligibility waiting period