Eight Tips to Beat the Heat this Summer

The months of July and August in Champaign County are filled with sweet corn, the county fair, family reunions … and often, oppressive heat and humidity.

During a heat wave, those at highest risk are senior citizens, the very young, physically impaired, and people who are on certain medications that impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature. Heat stroke is serious and can be life-threatening.

Here’s some tips to help beat the heat.

  1. Check on your neighbors often, especially those without air conditioning. Lend them a fan if they do not have one. Even better – invite them over for a cool glass of lemonade and an hour in the air conditioning.
  2. Drink plenty of water.
  3. Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing in light colors.
  4. Stay in air conditioning when the temperature and humidity is highest (generally 11am-5pm). If you do not have air conditioning, consider your nearest public library, a friend or relative’s home, shopping centers, your house of worship, grocery stores, the C-U Public Health department, or a community/senior center that is air conditioned. If you are not sure where your nearest cooling center is located, call our 211 Help Center.
  5. Only open windows when the temperature outside is lower than the temperature inside.
  6. Keep the air in your home moving - use ceiling or tabletop fans if you have them.
  7. Take a cool shower or bath, or use cool, damp towels on wrists and neck.
  8. Know the signs of heat stroke. They include flushed face, high body temperature, headache, nausea, rapid pulse, dizziness and confusion. Take immediate action if you see them coming on. Heat stroke is life-threatening.

Looking out for our neighbors – that’s what it means to LIVE UNITED.
