United Way empowers people to get on stable financial ground with proven methods like job training, financial wellness classes and more. The result is a thriving community where everyone has more opportunity to succeed.
United Way’s Community Impact Fund provides grants to 10 programs helping people earn more and save more.
Money Mentors, through the U of I Extension, pairs volunteer financial coaches with community members to develop a plan to achieve their goals: pay down debt, save for a child’s education or buy a home.
Adults with intellectual disabilities gain economic self-sufficiency and increase their social connections thanks to Developmental Services Center’s Community Employment Program.
At Cunningham Children’s Home, the Vocational Options program guides emotionally and behaviorally-challenged youth towards financial self-sufficiency through resume writing, skills assessments and job coaching – all while earning their high school diploma.
These are just a few examples of the great work happening locally to help people gain employment, make a budget and save for the future.
In Champaign County, United Way fights for every person in our community to earn a living wage. When people are able to find decent jobs, provide for their families and save for the future, they and their children are more likely to enjoy healthy lives and succeed in school. Everyone benefits, because financially stable individuals and families lead to a more competitive workforce and a stronger community.
To learn more about our Income work, visit uwayhelps.org/income